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December Newsletter 2014 *Happy Holidays*

Here is the link to the pdf newsletter:      DEC2014PrintLetter

It’s that time of year AGAIN! With the hustle & bustle of the holiday season, don’t forget to take good care of your immune system with adequate rest, a good diet, exercise and throw in your chiropractic “tune-up” visits, and your spine and nervous system will be good to go! While for some, this season can be a pain in the neck, figuratively speaking, many others suffer from acute or chronic headaches stemming from the neck. Read below on how chiropractic care can help you or someone you know.

Research Review

Efficacy of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) and Cervicogenic Headache (HA).

Cervicogenic headache is a secondary complaint from a disorder within the cervical spine or soft tissues of the neck. It is pain referred to the head from joint structures in the upper cervical spine.  Patients with headache are frequently treated with spinal manipulative therapy, which is moving a “stuck” or restricted joint beyond someone’s physiological range in order to restore normal, pain-free motion.

According to research, SMT is effective in reducing HA intensity, duration and medication intake, and may also help to decrease headache frequency in Cervicogenic HA patients.

 In my practice, I utilize MANY therapeutic techniques such as, the aforementioned, spinal manipulative therapy, cervical mobilization, which is challenging a restricted or “stuck” joint within someone’s physiological range of motion, Graston Technique®, Muscle Release Therapy, Kinesiotaping, therapeutic exercise, acupuncture and thoracic spine manipulation, which is also effective in decreasing neck pain (see next page.)

If you are experiencing neck pain and headaches and are unsure as to why that is, call or email to book a free 15 min consultation to find out how Chiropractic Care can help you.


Thoracic SMT for cervical spine pain and HA

Because of biomechanical, anatomical and nerve relationships between the cervical and thoracic spine, disturbances in the thoracic spine could contribute to the maintenance of neck pain. Treatment directed at the thoracic spine may have hypoalgesic (a decreased sensitivity to pain) or biomechanical effects on the cervical spine.

Preliminary evidence suggests that thoracic spine SMT may result in an immediate decrease in pain and an increase in cervical range of motion in patients with mechanical neck pain. (Flynn et al, 2001)

In a controlled study (Cleland et al.), they demonstrated that patients with mechanical neck pain who received thoracic spine manipulation experienced a significant immediate improvement in neck pain as compared to a sham manipulation group. The results showed a clinically significant reduction in pain at rest in subjects with mechanical neck pain immediately and 48 hours following a thoracic SMT.


You can follow me on Twitter & Facebook where I will be re-posting a headache diary and some easy neck exercises/stretches. Here’s wishing you a safe, healthy and happy holiday season with all the best to come in the New Year! J

One of the best gifts you can give this holiday season to a friend, colleague, family member, or significant other is sharing your experience with chiropractic care and your health accomplishments in 2014.

Invite a friend to come in for a free 15 min Consultation to learn more about Chiropractic Care

Cesar Fernandez-de-las-Penas et al. (2007). Changes in Neck pain and active ROM after a single thoracic spine manipulation in subjects presenting with mechanical neck pain: a case series. JMPT, 30:4.

Fernandez-de-las-Penas, C et al. (2005). Spinal Manipulative Therapy in the Management of Cervicogenic Headache. Headache, 45:1260-1270







Tags: chiropractic graston-technique Headache Neck pain